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If you know an establishment which offers services for celiacs, let us know from here.

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 Hotel Playacapricho


Avda. de las Gaviotas, s/n
04740 - Roquetas de Mar (Almería)
950.333.100 - 902.533.532

Hotel chain with estabilshment in the Andulisian coast, Madrid and Barcelona. They have signed an agreement of colaboration with the FACE where they compromise to make gluten-free menus and they have received the necessary training and information for that, besides having a permanent assessment with the federation. Notify the celiac condition when booking.

This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters.
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.

Valoración del establecimiento   

  (27/06/2014) almu1987
Estuve hace tiempo en este hotel y la verdad es que la cadena de playasenator en cuanto al trato de los celiacos es increíble, es cierto que también depende del cocinero que este, pero el trato es bueno. Como anécdota a mi una noche de postre se me antojaron tortitas y el cocinero me las hizo sin problema, sin embargo otros días otro de los cocineros me decía que las tenia que pedir cuando pidiera el menú, pero aun así, muy recomendable, porque también tenemos que entender que no estamos solos y que cuando es temporada alta los cocineros están hasta arriba.
Gluten-free traveling - Gluten-free restaurants - Gluten-free hotels - Gluten-free bars, tapas and cafes
Gluten-free pastry shops - Gluten-free shops - Gluten-free cottages - Gluten-free campings - Gluten-free hostels

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