Hotel La Paz
Mayor, 41
22700 - Jaca (Huesca)

Admite reservas
The restaurant of the hotel it is specialized in international cuisine. They have special menus and they adapt the carte as well.

This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters.
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.
Valoración del establecimiento


ESTHER BNo se que ha pasado, pero no tenían ni idea. Quizás han cambiado los dueños, no sé. Pero no tenían pan, ni idea de los productos que podían llevar gluten, ni si se habían cocinado de forma independiente. Sinceramente no deberían estar en esta página no es un restaurante apto para celiacos, es un restaurante normal.