Restaurante El Duende
C/ La Iglesia, s/n
22376 - Torla (Huesca)
Sin Alojamiento
40 personas

Admite reservas
We have 2 menus and the letter with many variety for you can choose what you like more, being the 90% of the dishes, suitable for celiac and been properly marked.
Fechas y Horarios:
Timetable from 13.30 to 15.30 and from 20.00 to 22.30.

This distinctive identifies restaurants which have an agreement of colaboration with the provincial or national associations of celiacs and they have received training provided by the Association, to which all staff should attend: purchasing manager, chef, chefs, assistants , room managers and waiters.
Note: The information we supply is indicative, we try to be as much as possible updated contrasting the data with ultimate responsibility. However, we recommend that before you go to ensure contacting the property directly,because maybe he could have made some changes in its service.
Valoración del establecimiento


JeúsPerfecto, la comida muy buena y variedad. Buen trato y sitio muy bonito.

IGB13Hemos indicado mi marido y yo que éramos celiacos al pedir los platos y hemos pedido sopa de cocido que marcaba en la carta que era sin gluten. Sin embargo, cuando ya había empezado a comer la sopa la camarera nos ha informado que los fideos eran normales. Es un error que un restaurante que se anuncia como apto para celiacos no puede tener. Nosotros consultamos mucho este blog para ir a establecimientos donde poder comer sin gluten sin problemas y es una pena que hayamos tenido esta experiencia